Book Review: The Machine That Changed the World by James P Womack, Daniel T Jones & Daniel Roos
Man and the Machine on the Roads The Energy Industry today is on the cusp of change. This is an understatement and we all know, even as we experience the advent of smoke-less transportation vehicles that will soon dominate to move men and materials on the roads. NOW is also the time to look back at the Century of Cars through the eyes of impeccable researchers by reading history of car manufacturers of the world from Europe to US to Japan, shifting from craft-producer to mass-manufacturer to Lean Producers and learn valuable lessons from history. Sharing with you a s hort review of "How Lean Production Revolutionized the Global Car Wars", for teasing your thought-process, as Man-Managers who manufacture products for man's use! Man is NOT a Machine: The current-day scientists think that man is nothing but a bundle of bio-chemical algorithm. I beg to differ. Man is NOT just a machine. Though we appear to be caught into a daily/monthly/lifetime routine like machines, yet...
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