Who Am I?

Today Neuroscience says that your sense of being 'yourself' is a controlled hallucination generated by your back office brain, sitting inside the bone box between your ears. So, what you call 'I' is ONLY a mere collection of ideas in the gray matter, created and updated on a sustained basis, running a movie of sorts, on 'your' mental screen. And people around you have similar movies of yourself (even as they are continuously manufacturing their own person'hoods') as you appear in their screens, when one of their five antennas  (visual-auditory-olfactory-taste-kinesthetic or thought-factory inputs), gives as an information, to their processors!  

So, coming back to where we started, who are YOU? Better closer, WHO AM I? 

Effects of my currently being read (second time) book, a modern spiritual classic... Talks with Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj, titled, "I AM" That! This..that...or ther other?😇


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