Feature Article: Work From Home is a ‘Family’ar Terrain!
Human beings are programmable. We are nothing but a ‘bio-chemical-algorithm’. Just think of it. Our hardware-the body, manages itself very well. Whether we are ‘present’ are not. Even when we were absent yesterday night, it digested all the dinner we ate. It managed the breathing rhythm, temperature and even hit the mosquito that sat on our body, in a reflex action. As a matter of fact, the it ‘doesn’t need’ us. We only need to maintain and help it perform better. Coming to our software side. We are blessed with an unlimited and expandable hard disk, a super processor and quite a bit of RAM (70,000 thoughts-program code) per day, besides the pre-loaded ROM (DNA), OS and other sub-routines. With our (Mind) Control Unit, we are actually programming ourselves every day. Deciding to do ‘what we want’ and ‘making it happen’ in the world around us. Hence, we are the masters of our destin(y)ation. Paul Goleman in his book ‘Change Your Habits & Change Your Life in 21 days’ points to ...